Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Inspirational Gospel Music

Many times, gospel artists are overlooked because there is an assumption that they only sing about Jesus and attempt to force their beliefs on others. The stigma is fasle and the following music video depicts how a gospel music group is able to sing inspirational music that serves as outreach toall audiences of all backgrounds.

This song  is a way to reach those that may not have a particular faith, or who may have fallen on hard times. The choir belts out words and phrases that allow the person to know that they have a friend in them, and are never alone. It is a song created to moreso inspire than to preach.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Secret Societies... Should Christians Join Them?!

Lately, I've engaged in much conversation that is centered around "Social Organizations or Secret Organizations"(Social/Secret Organizations includes sororities, fraternities, and social orders) ]. I found this topic to be extremely interesting because I have many friends that are involved in or are looking to be involved in social organizations, but there is much controversy surrounding the origins and underlying purposes of these organizations.

I will be focusing, primarily, on the Order of the Eastern Star or "OES". It is alleged that this organization was formed for the wives, sisters, and mothers of Freemasons. Allegedly, the men that were apart of this organization devoted much of their time and money to the upkeep of the org. However, in doing this, the women were not allowed to know the mission, principles, and practices of Freemasonry; this caused problems that lead to the men to create an organization for the women that make the women feel "apart" of the organization and engage in those practices. So the Order of the Eastern Star was formed.

There are allegations that the organization tries to portray themselves as a Christian organization by playing on biblical passages to support their principles. For example, Matthew 2:2 states that "We have seen His star in the East, and are come to worship Him"; hence the name "Eastern Star". However, with further reading, we come to realize that they stated, "we saw His star in the East" is an indication of the location of the speaker, not of the star. So how can they be "Eastern Stars" which is supposed to be a guiding light to salvation (Jesus) if the star was never in the East?! That's a very easy and important point to miss: Eastern Stars are groomed to believe they are supposed to be a guide toward salvation, however their name is based off of a play on words.

With further study, I learned that their principles are based off of the idea of self-salvation and that every man is a "christ"; through masonic initiation and in order to be deemed a savior, one needs to first save themselves. This is COMPLETELY against Christian teachings. We are taught that there was only one Savior, Jesus Christ and the only way be saved is through Him. With that said how can one profess to be  a Christian, yet believe that they can save themselves? It's no possible way, it's either one or the other. So, can Christians really be apart of an organization such as this one?! Absolutely not, it goes against all of the teachings of the Bible and Christianity in general. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Good + Evil = Temptation

The following photograph is a depiction of the idea of temptation. For those that may be unfamiliar, the first woman of the Bible was Eve, and it is written that she was given specific orders by God not to eat the fruit that was on the Tree of Knowledge, however, she was tempted by the serpent and in essence she ate the fruit. This story may seem far-fetched to some, but this is actually a depiction of what happens on a daily basis.We, as human beings, having a constant struggle with temptation can take this picture literally or figuratively. Let's discuss this further...

In the photo, we see a nude woman, depicted as Eve, standing in front of the "Tree of Knowledge" with the serpent in her ear ( it is safe to assume based off of the written testimony in the Bible) coaxing her to eat this fruit.
How many times are we caught in the "Garden of Eden, vexed with the idea of eating the Forbidden fruit"? Multiple times in a day!! We often end up in situations that force us to go back and forth with our conscience. We may know that this is wrong but the way it is presented to us makes it look or feel right. It is our spiritual and moral responsibility to be able to differentiate between the good and the bad and proceed with the good. We can go on to say, who is to say what exactly is "good"? No one can tell you what is "good" for you, but you. When you have to second guess your potential decision, 9 out of 10 times, that is something that should not be done.
All in all, this photo is a depiction of what we go through each day: God or the "good"in us says one thing, yet the serpent/ "evil" in us tempts us to do another.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Christians take a stand against Modern Day Slavery...

This week I came across an article that was very interesting to me. The article basically discussed the trials that some Pakistanis were facing, including human trafficking and bonded labor. The article then goes on to mention how two Christian groups in the country banded together to protest and fight this injustice. What intrigued me was the fact that Christians make up the minority in that country. To be exact, that particular religion makes up roughly 1.8%  of the population, compared to the 97% Muslims in Pakistan. Although they make up the minority, they fought/protested against the injustices of people that represent the majority, Muslims. If we compare that to American culture, we don't have that same support for those that are "different" from us.

If we think about it, there was a time in American history where Muslims and Christians were on opposing teams, yet they were fighting for the same cause, which was equality. If we fast forward to recent events, after the tragic events of September 11th Americans began to turn on American Muslims. Although they suffered just as we did, they became the target. I'm not preaching that American Muslims were all victims in this event, however they were not to blame. Yet, no one stood up or spoke out about the injustices that were brought against them during this period.

It was just very intriguing to read how people in a country filled with turmoil can set aside their religious barriers/differences to fight for the greater good, and what's ethical. We, then, get to a country that is supposed to be bountiful and filled with so much promise but when a fellow American is in need (regardless of race, religion, creed, or sexual orientation) we play the blame game or turn a deaf ear to the situation